Do you see any photos that you like on this site? Prints are available for purchase, and the proceeds go towards supporting my research and education. If there is a Southeastern U.S. species that you would like a photo of, I may be able to provide one. I will be adding photos on a regular basis. My specialties are reptiles, amphibians, plants, fungi, spiders and insects, however, I photograph anything interesting as the opportunity presents itself. For more information, send me an email. Include "Terrapene Studios Photography" or something to that effect in the subject heading.
All images and text on this blog are copyright Valerie Hayes, unless otherwise credited, and may not be copied or used for any purpose without my express permission.
I am an artist with an interest in natural history subjects and a graduate student in biology embarking on field research on Box Turtles, Terrapene carolina, hence my blog's name. The picture here is of one of the first wild Box Turtles I encountered after moving to Georgia in 2006. I grew up in New York, where the population is in much worse shape. Since moving here, I have found many more of these amazing creatures than I ever did in all the years I lived in New York, but this could change...
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